Australian Sapphire: Our Core Product


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Australian Sapphire: Our Core Product
If you've been following us for a while, you'll know that we're known for supplying Australian sapphires of various qualities from an ethical and sustainable family-owned mine.

You'll find in this article some of the best-looking gems we've collected, in various quality and colors, to show you what we can offer our customers!
Australia was the primary source for about 70% of the world's sapphires in the 1980s.
By Benjamin Poudevigne, Marketing Manager @BespokeGems
July 27, 2022
Australian Calibrated Stones
I always post our single stones on our social media platforms since I am constantly trying to advertise what we have in stock to our clients or potential buyers. However, this post stands as a reminder that we are one of Thailand's largest suppliers of Australian calibrated sapphires. We offer a variety of shapes, sizes, and qualities (blue, medium blue, dark blue) for various projects.
Our Catalogue
Send us a message for our 2022 catalogue. Our Australian sapphires are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are many qualities available (blue to dark blue). If you have any questions, please send us a message.
Thailand And The Sapphire Market
Thailand is a key player in the market for sapphires. Bangkok and Chatanburi are important cutting, treatment, and selling centres for gems from outside Thailand's borders. Blue sapphires sold in jewellery stores in Japan, the United States, and Europe frequently come through Thailand.

Several factors influence Thailand's previous and current position in the sapphire industry. Thailand relies on Burma and Cambodia for sapphire rough, but political instability regularly limits supply. Australia and Sri Lanka have now been the main suppliers to the country.
All our Australian sapphires come from an ethical and sustainable source (RJC Approved)
Do not hesitate to send us a message if you have any questions about our stones! Our contact information is available at the bottom of this page.

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Benjamin Poudevigne
Social Media Manager at GemMatrix
With over ten years of marketing experience, I finally decided to settle down in Bangkok to work in an area that I have always been interested in: the gemstones industry. I'm still learning how the market works on a daily basis, and I enjoy sharing my experience with those who are interested in learning more about gems in general.