Unheated Sapphires and their value

Nearly 95% of sapphires on the market are "heated". As a result, a heating treatment is regarded as a natural and necessary aesthetic technique that does not need to be indicated on the invoice. But what makes unheated sapphires so special?

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Why Should You Choose An Unheated Sapphire?
Only rare unheated sapphires are naturally pure and colorful at the same time. This explains why unheated sapphires are so attractive and in high demand. The most expensive come from Kashmir, Burma, and Ceylon, not to mention Madagascar. Natural inclusions in an unheated sapphire includes butterfly wings, thin needles of rutile, zoning, and color bands.
Purchasing an unheated sapphire is also a good long-term investment. It is quite rare and has the potential to appreciate greatly in the future.
Size And Shape
A brilliant cut guarantees that light reflections are evenly distributed throughout the stone, but a canted cut adds an intense emphasis to the piece. Some sapphires can also be cut into cabochons, which give them a smooth, rounded appearance. Keep in mind that the overall price of your gemstone will be determined by the quality of the cut.

The shape of your sapphire, on the other hand, will have no direct impact on the price because it is mostly a question of personal preference. The most common shapes for sapphires are round and oval, however pear and heart shaped stones are also found.
COST and investment
Some Information About The Costs of Unheated And Heated Sapphires
Unheated sapphires are significantly rarer than heated sapphires of comparable quality. As a result, they command greater pricing. However, heating does not have the same effect on the price of each sapphire, depending on its quality.

When the stones are of low or medium quality, whether or not they are heated has minimal effect on the price. High-quality stones (extremely pure and bright blue) typically cost twice as much as their heated equivalent. This difference can range from simple to triple in the best standards, and much more in the significant weights.
Unheated sapphires generally have more apparent inclusions. This is not a "flaw," but rather a natural feature, therefore choose an unheated sapphire only if you enjoy nature's beauty in this.
What Is Pleochroism and How Does It Affect Sapphire Color?
Each sapphire contains multiple metal particles. Most of them have a dominating metal that gives them their primary color and one or more minor metals that generate pleochroism or distinct color tints. Blue sapphires, for example, frequently have purple undertones, whereas yellow sapphires typically have green highlights. When viewed from different angles, these hues lead sapphires to shift color slightly.

Because pleochroism is present in all sapphires, jewelers should closely review the sapphire's color and undertones before cutting it to ensure that the final gem has the most exquisite hue possible.
Unheated Sapphire 6.02 cts Sri Lanka
Don't Underrate The Importance Of A Well-Cut Sapphire!
Sapphire crystals are hexagons in their natural state. These rough hexagonal sapphires are cut into a number of forms by jewelers, including ovals, cushions, pear shaped, and round. The size of a sapphire is critical. A low-quality cut results in a dull, colorless sapphire, but a high-quality cut brings the sapphire to life by enhancing its inherent color and adding luster. Diamonds have regular sizes, but sapphires do not. Each sapphire is hand-cut to minimize inclusions, capture its most attractive tone, and, in short, bring out its distinct charm.

A well-cut sapphire will always have a well-placed and even surface on the crown of the gem, as well as symmetrical facets. The depth of a cut sapphire varies depending on its color tone. Light colored sapphires are generally given a deep cut by jewelers to add depth to their color. Dark sapphires frequently benefit from a shallow cut to allow more light into the gem and increase reflection, resulting in a brighter and more lustrous gem.

Last but not least, The clarity or general purity of a blue sapphire is another aspect that decides whether or not it is a quality gemstone. The amount and type of inclusions in sapphire affect its clarity. Inclusions can be found in every sapphire. These inclusions are microscopic particles within the sapphire that are noticeably different from the rest of the crystal. Inclusions can be caused by a variety of sources, including microscopic cracks in the gemstone that developed as it grew, mineral fibers, metal traces that create color specks in the gemstone, and even other crystals.

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Benjamin Poudevigne
Social Media Manager at BespokeGems
With over ten years of marketing experience, I finally decided to settle down in Bangkok to work in an area that I have always been interested in: the gemstones industry. I'm still learning how the market works on a daily basis, and I enjoy sharing my experience with those who are interested in learning more about gems in general.